Saturday, September 18, 2010

Summertime Explorations

I've finally had some time to look through my summer images of creepy crawlies.

It was fun to see what images I could get of the various insects that crossed my path.

Not all of these creatures are insects - check out the crabs - but they were all very small!

Look at this centipede! OK. It can't be a centipede - there are not enough legs - but he sure was fast and hard to catch. I wouldn't want to meet him in the middle of the night!!!!

Here's my "Cricket in Times Square" pic. OK, so it's a grasshopper and it's sitting on a Timex, not Times Square, but you get what you can!

Finally, a few more grasshopper shots. It's amazing how they come in so many different colors. This 4 year old girl was captivated by her catch.