Monday, September 12, 2011

Little Robin Redbreast

Little fluffy head
 This spring, we had a lovely neighbor move in right next to our studio.  She was a bit loud at times, and sometimes gave us stern looks and scolded us when we walked by her nest, but all was forgiven when we saw the lovely little blue eggs she was protecting in her nest. 

"Mom!!!!  Feed Me!!!!"
Mrs. Robin took good care of her eggs and then helped her little ones once they hatched.  I followed their progress from eggs to chicks to fledglings.  Here are some of my favorites. 

"Service, we'd like some Service, please!"

Mmmm.  Yummy worms!
Down the hatch they go.
How many insects really can fit into one little bird's throat? 

Four Hungry Birds

Three birds in the nest and one's ready to jump!
Two left in the nest.  They're waiting until they're ready.  How do they really know when they're ready?
Still waiting....
The last fledgling made it!  While he perfected his flying skills, he spent a lot of time under the protective canopy of this myrtle ground covering.

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